Rilasciata il 01/03/2025 11:22:21
Opzioni scaricamento | 64 Bit | Mac | iOS

n-Track Tuner App for iOS, Android devices and Windows phone

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Download n-Track Tuner & Spectrum Analyzer

Tune your instrument with n-Track


Bring the power of n-Track's spectrum analyzer, level meter and guitar/bass tuner wherever you go:

  • Automatic Tuner: just play any note on your instrument and the tuner will display a bar indicating whether the note is too flat or too sharp. Adjust the note's tuning to bring the tune bar to the center and you're done
  • Spectrum Analyzer: shows the detailed frequency content of the audio acquired from the device's built-in mic, and shows a cursor highlighting the frequency harmonic that the tuner is tracking
  • Diapason: for those who whish to manually tune against an audible reference. A frequency slider lets you manually select the frequency of the note played, play with it to see up to which frequencies you can hear!


n-Track for iPhone screenshot: Tuned n-Track for iPhone screenshot: Diapason n-Track for iPhone screenshot n-Track for iPhone screenshot n-Track for iPhone options screenshot

Screenshots for n-Track Tuner for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
(click on a screenshot to enlarge)