n-Track Frequently Asked Questions
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4. Plugins
- After removing some plug-ins from my system they still show up on the available DSP list in n-Track: how do I get them off that list?
The uninstallation of the plug-in should theoretically do it. You can try the 'DirectX plug-ins uninstaller' link on the links page. It may be possible to directly remove from the registry the plug-in entries but it may be hard (and dangerous) to find them, so the best way is: reinstall the plug-in, run n-Track, browse with the Windows explorer in the plug-in folder and drag its main file (usually with the .dll or .ax suffix) on the n-Track's window. A dialog box should now ask you if you want to run the self registration of the plug-in: if you click on NO, the program will launch the plug-in self-unregistration procedure, thus removing it from the plug-ins list.You can accomplish the same effect from a command prompt typing: "regsvr32.exe /u plugin_filename_with_path". This will launch the self-unregistering routine that should be in every plug-in. You may need to specify the exact path of regsvr32.exe (usually \WINDOWS\SYSTEM).
- How can I start the drums 10-15 seconds after the song starts?
You can program the n-Track Drums in three ways:
- You can use the step-sequencer built into n-Track Drums to program the drum sounds used by each measure of the song. You can open the step sequencer clicking in the "Steps" button in the n-Track Drums property page. You can then assign a blank (i.e. no sound) pattern to the measures corresponding to the first 10-15 seconds of the song and then non-silent patterns to subsequent measures.
- You can use the n-Track Drums as a plain MIDI synth, create a regular n-Track MIDI track, program the drum notes during the length of the song by editing the MIDI track in the n-Track Piano Roll window, and assign the output of the MIDI track to be sent to the n-Track Drums plugin with the 'Output' drop-down list in the MIDI track properties box that appears double clicking on the MIDI track.
- You can create one or more drum patterns in the pattern editing view of the n-Track Drums, then create a MIDI track and send MIDI notes on MIDI Channel 16 to switch between the patterns you created above. In this way you don't have to create a full MIDI track, you can simply trigger the patterns that are easily created inside n-Track Drums
You can switch from the 1st to the 2nd method above by dragging the musical note button in the upper right part of the n-Track Drums steps view into n-Track's timeline window. This will make n-Track create a new MIDI track with the exact patterns that were used in the Drums steps sequencer. You can then set the MIDI track to have n-Track Drums as its output and edit the sequence in the main n-Track Piano Roll window.
- Is there a manual for n-Track Drums?
You can find a reference manual for DK+ on which the n-Track Drums plugin is based here
You can also watch the n-Track Drums Video Tutorial
- Where can I download plug-ins to use with n-Track?
n-Track allows using any of the hundreds if not thousands of free or commercial VST, AU (Mac), DirectX (Windows) audio plugins available.
You can search the internet for "VST plugins" or similar.
Or you can browse the following websites that have huge archives of plugins links:
- Where is the n-Track drum machine-synth?
The n-Track Drums synth can be opened with the Add Channel/Add new Instrument channel/n-Track/n-Track Drums menu command.
- How can I transfer presets for n-Track (or 3rd party) DirectX plugins to another computer?
The easiest way is to save a .sng file with one instance of the EQ for every preset you want to transfer. You can add a blank track for each preset you want to save, name the track with the name of the preset, add the plugin to the track and select the preset.
You can then load the .sng file in the new computer and resave each preset from the instance saved with the preset using the name of the track as the preset name.
Alternatively the preset data is stored in the following registry key:
Each preset may (and in the case of the ParEQ does) point to a .dxp file that contains the actual preset data (too big to fit into the registry).
To copy the presets you'll have to copy both the registry keys (you can use Regedit's Export and Import functions) and the .dxp files.
- Why the 64 bit version of n-Track doesn't see my 32 bit VST plugins?
Currently the 64 bit version of n-Track only sees 64 bit native plugins.
Version 7.0 will allow using 32 bit plugins in the 64 bit version of n-Track, and it will also allow optional sandboxing of plugins by running them into separate processes, protecting n-Track from crashing when a failure occurs occurs inside a plugin.
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