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7. Aux channels, audio routing, mixing configuration
- It might be handy to be able to route an Aux send to a specific output, if you have more than one soundcard or a multi-output device. This might be handy for headphone mixes or using outboard gear
Once you've selected the output soundcards in the Preferences/Recording settings/wave devices dialog box a master channel section will appear on the mixer for every output soundcard each section contains separate return controls for all the auxs, so you can set the return level for an aux channel to -Inf for an output card and to say 0 dB for the other output card. Now you can use the send sliders as they were another regular mixer that goes to the second output soundcard. You may want to activate the option "pre-fader send" to make the sends completely independent from the track main volume and pan.
- What are aux channels be used for?
Aux channels can be used for a lot of things. They are actually an alternative path that a track's signal can follow. One important use is to use an effect on more than one track at a time as opposed to having to put the same effect on each track separately: this can greatly reduce the computing power needed by the program, and is particularly suited for effects such as reverbs and delays. Using aux send and return automation (send volume and pan drawing) you can use an aux channel to apply an effect to a track only during a certain time, instead of the whole duration of the track as happens with insert effects. Aux channels can also be used to group tracks: you can send multiple tracks to a dedicated aux channel (the program can handle up to 32 auxs!) and then control all of the track's volumes together moving the aux channel's return slider. If you activate the option "pre-fader send" and put the track's volume to -Inf (but not mute them) the tracks will only go to the aux and not directly to the main mix.
- Where are Aux channels in n-Track v6 and later?
Starting from version 6.0.5 the aux send mechanism has been redesigned to be more flexible. Any channel (track, group, instrument) can have any number of sends to any other channel, not just auxs.
To send a track to an aux channel click on the output channel label in the track's mixer strip, right above the effects list box, then select "Add a new send" from the popup menu. A new Aux channel will be created (if none was previously present in the song) and a send to the aux channel added to the track's mixer strip.
Like with previous versions to hear the signal returning from the aux channel you'll need to increase the aux return volume from -Inf to something near 0 dB in the master channel's mixer strip.
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