n-Track Studio 10

Работа с нами

We are looking for talented developers interested in working on bringing our audio and music desktop and mobile apps to the next level of performance and user friendliness.

We're located in the EUR neighborhood of Rome, Italy.
n-Track Software offers an informal yet highly motivated working environment with open hours.

Our offices are inside the Pi Campus, a group of villas with lots of green space where you can find the hottest startups and tech companies in the Rome area. A swimming pool and a fully equipped gym are there whenever you want to take a break.

Job Openings

Windows and Mac Software developer

You will be involved in developing the Windows and Mac version of n-Track.

Requirements: strong programming skills in C, C++ or Objective C. Knowledge of Win32 or Cocoa APIs, DSP. A musical or audio background is required.

iOS developer

We're looking to add to our team a skilled and motivated developer who wants to work on state of the art audio and music software. You will be involved in developing our audio and music apps. Requirements: strong programming skills in either C++, ObjectiveC or Swift on the iOS programming environment; knowledge of DSP; version control systems; A musical or audio background is required.

Android developer

We're looking for a skilled and motivated developer who wants to work on state of the art audio and music software. You will be involved in developing the mobile and desktop versions of our audio and music apps. Requirements: strong programming skills in either or both C++ or Java on the Android Java and NDK programming environment; working knowledge of DSP; experience with audio streaming APIs; version control systems; musical or audio background.

To apply send your resume to jobs@ntrack.com

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© 2025 n-Track S.r.l. | VAT ID IT15290211000
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