n-Track Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Index | Soundcards, software and hardware configuration
- How can I use the Leap Controller with n-Track?
You can use the following gestures:
Start playback: quick left to right hand gesture.
Stop: top to down gesture
Rewind: right to left gesture
You can also use the Leap Controller to move and rotate the 3D frequency spectrum view. Open the 3D view by clicking on a track's EQ button (to the left of the three small EQ knobs), then click the 3D button.
Perform a quick pressure gesture with the palm of your hand towards the Leap to activate tracking, then move and rotate your hand to move and rotate the 3D spectrum. Use another pressure gesture to disengage tracking.
Draw a circle in the air (while tracking is not engaged) to reset the view to the default.
If you have difficulties please make sure that the Leap controller is connected and that the Leap application is running.
FAQ Index | Soundcards, software and hardware configuration
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