n-Track Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Index | MIDI
- How can I hear what I am playing on the MIDI keyboard when using a VST or DX instrument?
- Select the instrument plugin (VSTi or DXi) to use in the Add Channel/Add instrument channel menu
- Insert a blank midi track.
- In the MIDI track properties dialog box select the output port: the VSTi that you just added. then,
- Go to File > Preferences > Midi Settings > Midi Devices.
- There select your midi input port (the one that is connected to your keyboard)
- In the same dialog check "keep devices open", and check under "input to output echo" the "manual" item. When you do this, you will see in the right drop-down box the option "manual mapping" appearing. There select in the "outp. port" the VSTi that you have loaded before. It's located at the end of the list.
- Select Ok to close the dialog box, accept the preferences, and you are again in ntrack.
- Now, you are ready to play. Press the "LIVE" big button at the right of the time window, and you wil hear the note you play on the keyboard through the VSTi that you have choosen.
To decrease the delay between pressing a note and hearing it try lowering the buffering in the View/Settings/Buffering dialog box. Lower latencies can be obtained selecting WDM or Asio drivers in the Preferences/Wave devices dialog box.
The echo mode can also be set to 'auto'. When you do this the program will automatically select for the output of the MIDI notes played on the keyboard the MIDI output port (or VSTi) selected as the output for the MIDI track currently selected, so you'll be able to switch output simply clicking on different MIDI tracks.
More info on VST instruments can be found in the "Using the program/MIDI/VST instruments" n-Track online help topic.
FAQ Index | MIDI
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