n-Track Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Index | Mp3 encoding, CD burning, importing audio
- How can I burn a single n-Track project (i.e. .sng file) into an audio CD with multiple tracks?
You can mixdown sections of the n-Track project to separate wave files, one for each song you want to appear on the audio CD, then import the resulting .wav files into the n-Track "View/CD Burning" window.
To mixdown a section of an n-Track project to a .wav file:
- select the section you want to mixdown by dragging on the timeline axis. You can use markers to precisely define the beginning and ending points of each song and then right click between the markers and select "Select between markers" from the popup menu
- select the File/Mixdown menu commad, select an output file, click on "More options" and make sure that the "From / to" option is active in the "Interval to mixdown" pane
Make sure that the mixdown format is stereo, 16 bit, 44100 hz, as that is the "native" format used by audio CD tracks.
FAQ Index | Mp3 encoding, CD burning, importing audio
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