n-Track Frequently Asked Questions
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- How can I remove vocals from an existing song?
Basic Vocal removal works by recognizing that on most popular music vocals are panned in the center of the mix, which means that the same vocal signal is in the left and right stereo channels. You can remove a common signal by subtracting the left channel from the right channel (or vice-versa).
The result will be a signal made of elements that are different in the left and right channels.
To do this with n-Track you can:
- Import the song as a stereo audio file (wav, mp3 etc.)
- split the stereo track into two separate tracks (Track/Split stereo track menu command)
- then select the EQ button on one of the splitted mono tracks
- activate the "phase shift" button in the upper part of the EQ box. The 'phase shift' button inverts the track audio signal (i.e. multitples it by -1)
- you end up with the two tracks being subtracted
Alternatively you can use a 3rd party Vocal Removal plugin such as:
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