n-Track Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Index | Installation and OS compatibility
- What is the .NET Framework that the n-Track setup wants me to install?
- Version 6.0 and later optionally use some of the .Net framework for some non-core functions such as importing tracks from audio CDs, but don't require the .Net framework to be installed in order to be able to use the program.
- Version 4.0.5 to 5.1.1 required the .Net framework to be installed on the computer as a prerequisite to install n-Track.
The .NET framework is a Windows component. It has been released after Windows XP was released so it's not included in the standard installation of Windows. Despite what the name might suggest the .Net framework has nothing to do with the internet. You can think of it as a new programming language (or a programming platform), roughly speaking it is the Microsoft equivalent to Sun's Java, i.e. a programming language more modern than C with features such as reflection and garbage collection. Future versions of Microsoft operating systems will come with the .Net framework already installed. Starting from version 4.0.5 n-Track uses some of the .Net framework services. The .Net framework can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site and can be installed on Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, 2003 and XP. n-Track Studio 4.0.5 uses the .NET Runtime 1.1 while version 4.1 and later use the .NET Runtime version 2.0
FAQ Index | Installation and OS compatibility
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