n-Track Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Index | Live input processing, using the program as a multi-effect processor
- How can I get rid of the latency or delay in my Live input and MIDI software instruments?
For low latency audio you should use Asio, WDM or CoreAudio (Mac) audio drivers.
Windows: for low latency work you should use an Asio (if available for your audio device) or WDM/WaveRT audio driver and select a low buffering setting. If Asio is not available for your audio device you can try Asio4all.
You can select which audio driver to use in the box that appears selecting the File -> Settings -> Preferences -> Audio devices box.
By default on Windows n-Track uses MME audio drivers, which can't be used for low latency (but are available on all PCs).
Mac: CoreAudio drivers are the only audio driver kind available on Mac and they offer very low latency as well as multichannel and 24/32 bit audio.
When using Asio drivers you can set the audio buffering in the Asio control panel: select the Settings -> Soundcard settings -> Recording format menu, then click on Asio control panel. When using WDM/WaveRT, CoreAudio or MME drivers you can decrease the latency lowering the buffering in the File -> Settings -> Buffering dialog box. You can find more info in the Using the program/Realtime effects/Live input processing n-Track's online help topic.
Note that you don't need to use Live input processing if you only need to monitor the signal you're recording. The soundcard's internal hardware mixer can monitor the signal being recorded without any delay. Make sure that the correct monitoring sources and levels are configured in the Windows Volume Control (Windows XP) or Control Panel/Hardware and sound/Manage Audio Devices (Windows Vista/7/8/10). You can find info on how to set recording sources and levels in the "Getting started/Setting the recording levels" online help topic.
On Mac you can configure audio settings and levels in the Audio MIDI Setup built-in app.
FAQ Index | Live input processing, using the program as a multi-effect processor
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