n-Track Frequently Asked Questions
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12. iOS and Android apps
- Locating iPhone & iPad app crash logs
If an app is freezing or crashing regularly, we may request crash logs from you to help us diagnose any issues. Crash logs contain information about what the app was doing just prior to the crash.
Sending the crash report from your device
To locate and email crash reports for iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps:
- Open the Analytics & Improvements section of Settings on the device. See Share analytics, diagnostics, and usage information with Apple.
- Tap Analytics Data.
- Locate the log for the n-Track app. The log name starts with _ for crash reports, or JetsamEvent_ for high-memory use crashes.
- Select the desired log.
- Tap the Share icon, and select Mail to send the crash report as a mail attachment.
Sending the crash report from a PC/Mac
To find a log file, please sync your iPhone, iPod or iPad first, then locate the correct log file for the app using the path for your OS below.
The log file’s name should start with the app’s name.
In the Finder, hold down the option key and open the Go menu and choose Library. Then navigate to ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice//
Once you’ve located the correct file or files, please email them back to us.
Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter\\
Once you’ve located the correct file or files, please email them back to us.
Windows Vista and later
C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter\MobileDevice\\
Once you’ve located the correct file or files, please email them back to us.
Enabling automatic crash reports
It would also be useful to us if you could set your device to automatically send crash reports to Apple so that we may analyze them without you having to manually send them to us. Please follow these instructions:
- Tap the Settings app on your home screen
- In Settings, tap General in the left column and then tap About
- In the About view, tap Diagnostics & Usage
- In the Diagnostics & Usage view, tap Automatically Send

- Is the upgrade to n-Track Studio 8 for iOS and Android free or paid (for those who purchased a previous iOS or Android version)?
If you purchased a previous iOS or Android version of n-Track Studio the upgrade to v8 is free up to the 31st of January 2017.
After that date the app requires an in-app subscription of $0.99/month (Standard edition) or $1.99/month (Pro edition).
To activate n-Track Studio 8 make sure you have the old app installed when you launch the new. The new app detects wether the old version was installed and activates the free subscription up to January 31, 2017.
You can remove the old app once the 'Upgrade to the full version' box no longer appears.
If you have already removed the old version please follow these instructions to restore it.
Note that the upgrade is not valid across different operating systems, i.e. if you purchased n-Track for iOS you can upgrade to n-Track Studio 8 for iOS but not for Android, and vice-versa.
- I purchased the old version of n-Track Studio for iOS or Android and I cannot find it on the App Store or Google Play. How do I get it back?
Since "n-Track Studio 8" (now named "n-Track Studio 9") has been published as a brand new app, the old version of the app is not available anymore for purchase, but if you already purchased it you can continue using the old version forever and you can still download it.
Please see the App Store instructions on how to restore purchased apps.
Note: due to a change in the iOS graphic system n-Track Studio 7 is not compatible with iOS 12. We are no longer able to release updates to n-Track Studio 7 to fix the compatibility issue.
Just follow one of these two methods:
Method 1
- Open the Google Play app
- From the left panel menu, select "Account"
- Go to "Order history"
- Find the n-Track purchase record, and tap on the "View" button
Method 2
- Open the Google Play app
- From the left panel menu, select "My apps and games"
- Select the "All" tab
- Scroll the list and look for n-Track Studio
- How to send an Android bug report
Some issues related to n-Track Android apps may require deeper investigation by our developers. In such cases we may ask you to send a bug report.
Follow these steps to create a bug report on your Android device and send it to n-Track support.
Please send only bug reports related to n-Track audio and music apps, not for other apps or for bugs in the operating system.
NOTE: The following steps may differ depending on the version of your Android operating system and mobile device type.
- On your Android device, go to Settings -> About or Settings -> About device.

- Tap the Build number option 7 times to unlock Developer options. On some devices, you may need to tap Software info first.

- Go to Settings -> Developer options.

- Enable Developer options by tapping the slider.

- Go back to Settings -> Developer options.
- Tap Take bug report or Submit bug report.

- If prompted to select a type of report, select Full report. Then tap Report.

- On the notification bar of your device, tap Bug report captured and tap OK in the dialog.

- Tap your email client icon, for example, Gmail. Follow these steps to send to our developers a message with the generated bug report:
- Change the address in the To field to android@ntrack.com.
- In the Subject field, write short description of your issue, for example:
n-Track Studio - crash tapping xyz button
- In the body of the message, type the detailed issue description.
Please note that we won't review bug reports that don't contain a description of the issue.
If you are able to reproduce your issue, if possible please record a short video showing how to reproduce the issue and include the link to your video in the body of this message.
- Ensure that the bug report file is attached to your message.
- Tap Send.
Our developers will investigate your issue and contact you as soon as possible.
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