n-Track Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Index | Installation and OS compatibility
- I get a "Could not open key" or "Verify that you have sufficient access to that key..." error message when trying to install or uninstall n-Track
This problem results from two sources:
- The person installing did not have the same permissions as the person reinstalling or uninstalling
- The registry entry for that particular registry entry has become corrupt.
The installer/uninstaller is attempting to write to the specified registry key (or hive, i.e. root key) and permission for that registry key is restricted. The issue can be resolved by setting the permission to this key to allow full control. To fix this:
1. On the Windows Task bar, click Start, Run.
2. Type "regedit" (without the quotes) and click OK.
3. Browse to the registry key mentioned in the error message.
4. Right click the key and select "Permissions."
5. In the Group or User names field, select the user installing the program. Be sure the user has administrative rights.
6. Under the Permissions field, make sure "Full Control" and "Read" are both set to "Allow."
7. Click OK and attempt the operation again.
In some cases it may be necessary to change the permissions of the System account (which is different than the permissions on the Administrator account). If you try the above steps and it still doesn't work, then try this:
1. Run regedit
2. Right click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
3. Click Permissions
4. Click on the Add button then add Administrators and click OK.
5. In the resulting "Permissions for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" window, check the "Allow" box for full control and read.
6. Click the Add button again and add SYSTEM and again check the Allow box for full control and read.
7. Click Ok, exit regedit.
8. Rerun setup and you'll be all set.
If for some reason after following these instructions the problem persists, please contact us
FAQ Index | Installation and OS compatibility
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