n-Track Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Index | Mp3 encoding, CD burning, importing audio
- n-Track can't find mp3 encoder even after I've installed it
You can download the Lame Encoder dll from
- double click on the downloaded file
- select all the files in the zip folder (for example press Ctrl+A), then right click on the selection and select "Copy" from the popup menu
- create a new folder on the computer disk (for example My Documents/Lame), enter into the new folder and select "Paste" from the popup menu
- then select the file when n-Track asks you to find the Lame encoder dll.
If you have previously installed a different version of Lame encoder that for some reason doesn't work correctly with n-Track, before following the procedure above close n-Track, remove the previous version of the Lame dll from the computer disk (or move it to a different, backup location), then follow the procedure above, making sure that n-Track asks you again to find the location of the Lame dll.
n-Track has been tested with Lame version 3.97 and later.
64 bit: Note that the 64 bit version of n-Track requires a 64 bit version of the Lame DLL, it will not accept/work with the regular 32 bit version of the Lame DLL
FAQ Index | Mp3 encoding, CD burning, importing audio
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