n-Track Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Index | Mp3 encoding, CD burning, importing audio
- How can I create two or more CD tracks that cross-fade into each other, without silence in between?
You can do this with n-Track using the crossfade function (overlapping the two wave files on the same track and pressing the crossfade button) or alternating the songs to be mixed in two separate tracks and using the volume drawing to apply the fades. Then you would be able to create a final wave file with the whole mix (File/Mixdown command) and use it to burn a CD. Some CD-R programs allows you to create multiple CD tracks from one wave file specifying each track start (index) time. Otherwise you can manually split the wave file in pieces, using n-Track's cut and paste functions. To do this efficiently it's better to start cutting from the end of the song. When you physically create the CD, make sure you use the "Disc At Once" burning mode (which is not supported by some older CD-R device). "Track At Once" mode always introduces 2 seconds (or sometimes less) of silence between CD tracks.
FAQ Index | Mp3 encoding, CD burning, importing audio
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