n-Track Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Index | Installation and OS compatibility
- How can I report a crash with the Linux version of n-Track Studio?
The issue might be with a missing dynamic library. In this case just launching the app via commandline will show an error and n-Track will not launch at all. If that's the case please send the output of the command entered in a terminal window, if you installed the .deb version:
If you installed the Snap version:
snap run n-trackstudio
If n-Track launches but then crashes, please send a core dump file. Please follow these steps in a terminal window:
# enable core dumps
sudo apt install systemd-coredump
ulimit -c unlimited
/opt/n-Track/launch_ntrack.sh #OR if you installed the Snap version: snap run n-trackstudio
# once the crash happened, list the dumps
coredumpctl list
# take a note of the PID field, then write it below in place of "123456"
coredumpctl dump 123456 | gzip -9 > ntrackcoredump.gz
Please send the ntrackcoredump.gz file that should have been created in the current directory to support@ntrack.com, along with a short description of what you do to reproduce the crash. Thanks!
FAQ Index | Installation and OS compatibility
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